Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Telletubbies

Ahh, the telletubbies! Tinky Winky (The purple one) Dipsy, (The green one), Laa Laa (the yellow one whom I just learned was female...oops) and Po (The red one) epitomize whats wrong with the 21st Century! Time watching "The Telletubbies" for children is like consuming a McDonalds Cheeseburger (full of empty calories). Wasted, atrophic, mind numbing, waste of time!

At least the hippies that wrote Sesame Street, meant well and intended to educate while creating a lucrative (commercials) substitute for babysitting! Even adults CANNOT STEER THEIR EYES AWAY from the TRAINWRECK that is the TELLETUBBIES. Parents: Spend time with your children! Talk to them! It will help their brain develop! The Telletubbies are a GATEWAY DRUG to SPONGEBOB which is a gateway drug to anything on FOX (other than Family Guy, The Simpsons and Football) which is a Gateway Drug to living at home with your parents until you are fifty years old! ...Thanks for reading my rant! Merrill Kazanjian

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