Monday, May 24, 2010

Oil Pastels + Oil Paint + Color Pencils + Illustration Markers (Mixed Me...

Today, I decided to incorporate oil pastels in to a mixed media work of art. I also used/combiled oil paint illustration markers and Prismacolor Color Pencils to create the portrait that you see. I describe my process as I narrate: First, I did a pencil sketch which I inked. Second I used illustration markers (Prismacolor and Ad Chartpak) to lay down the first layer of color. Then I added a layer of oil pastels atop the layer of illustration marker. The oil pastels are more mixable than the color pencils and are also more opaque. They mix with liquin (like the color pencils and oil paint). I discovered that the process closely resembles painting (especially) when you mix the pastels on a palette, with liquin and then apply with a paintbrush. I finished my (quasi- Bob Ross demonstration) with a few layers of oil paint, since there is no substitute for oil paints mixability and layering capabilities (as well as the range of opacities). I am happy with the portrait that I made of youtube user armanchik24. I learned a lot while incorporating the oil pastels in to my artwork.