Thursday, December 31, 2009

EMO Contest- The Balding Emo

For those of you who dont know.....EMO's are the dudes known for their melancholy dress code, morbid body language, sad facial expressions and their taste in music.....but most of all, EMO's are famous for their super floppy, vision impairing hair! Oh look! Heres a fine specimen!....This leads us to a question that perplexes the universe.....Is an EMO still an EMO if he loses his hair? I want to hear your opinion......Post your answers to this question as a text comment or a video response, to enter yourself in this contest. All responses will be judged on humor and originality. Please don't post anything offensive because we want to make EMO's smile, not cry! The prize is an illustration of the winner be me, Merrill Kazanjian. As always I will document the process on video and give you a copy for your channel. The deadline for this contest is March 1st, 2010 and the winner will be chosen on March 2nd.......Anyway, heres how I drew the Balding Emo.

Here are the steps that I took to create the "Balding Emo" artwork:
Step 1.) Pencil
Step 2.) Illustration Marker- Prismacolor and Chartpak Ad markers
Step 3.) Color Pencil
Step 4.) Scan with Epson Scanner
Step 5.) Digital Collage using Paint Shop Pro 9
Step 6.) Print with Hewlett Packard Printer
Step 7.) Color Pencil
Step 8.) Scan with Epson Scanner
Step 9.) Finishing Touches with Paint Shop Pro 9

Monday, December 28, 2009

How to Draw Kobe Bryant: Step by Step (YOUDRAW by Merrill Kazanjian)

Link- Today, YOU are going to draw Kobe Bryant. It doesn't matter if you have prior art training or not. This video will break the process down in to simple steps so that anyone can do it. Grab a pencil and paper and let me show you what I mean. Remember to pause the video when you need to. Here we go.
Step 1: Draw an oval shape for Kobe's head. Notice that the bottom of the oval looks like an upside down trapezoid while the top of the oval shape is rounded.
Step 2: Make four horizontal lines. The top line MUST intersect the midway point of the oval shape. The lowest line should be placed at the bottom of the chin. After drawing the top and bottom lines, add two EVENLY SPACED lines between the top and bottom line. At the end of step two, you should have THREE evenly spaced segments between the top and bottom lines (refer to the picture).
Step 3: Observe the six dots that I added. The top four map out the corners of Kobe's eyes, while the bottom two map out the corners of his mouth. Lets look at their relationship. Notice that these dots are leaning towards the right side of the oval. This is due to the fact that Kobe's head is slightly turned. Also, take a second to notice the distance in between the two eyes is equal to one eye length. Finally, notice that the middle part of the space designated for each eye, will line up with the outer corners of the mouth. Now, draw in the six dots.
Step 4: Draw in the eyes....The upper eyelid as a rainbow shape and the bottom lid is close to a straight line. Notice that the iris is partially blocked by the upper eyelid.
Step 5: Encapsulate the eye in the oval shape that I just added.

Step 6: In this step, make the bottom of the nose by drawing three connected, upside down arches. Do not worry about the bridge of the nose yet. After you make the bottom of the nose, draw the shape for the upper lip...... The upper lip looks like a squished McDonalds logo (picture the golden arches squished).

Step 7: Add the bottom lip. It is similar to a banana shape. Notice that the bottom lip is thicker than the top lip. Now that we have the eyes and part of the mouth done, take a second to notice the perfect square that is formed when you connect the points from the middle of the eye and the corners of the mouth. Make adjustments if you do not have this perfect square.
Step 8: Draw in the two shapes between the eyes and nose. Like the bottom lip, these shapes are very similar to banana shapes. They will help us shade the nose later.
Step 9: Now add in the ears. Due to the fact that Kobe's head is turned; it appears that his left ear is smaller than his right. This, of course is not the case, but draw what you see.
Step 10: Draw in the lines, stemming from the chin, as well as Kobe's dimple lines.
Step 11: Draw in Kobe's hairline. Again, due to the turn of his head, you will see more hair on the right side.
Step 12: Erase the construction lines
Now, I will show you how to shade your drawing. Don't worry, this too, will be easy! You have three options to learn shading. Option one- click the link in the video description to go to a webpage that I made for this video..... on my website, You will see a series of 17 steps with picture references and words. You will also see a free downloadable resource that you can print. Option two is to watch a shading demonstration in the second part of this video; and option three is a separate video; where I will demonstrate how I shaded Kobe at a slower pace. Please take advantage of all of these options. I am confident that they will help.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Incarceration of Santa Claus

Lets face it. Santa was asking for it........ The man:
1.) "Breaks and enters" illegally over a billion times each year........ on Jesus' birth day.
2.) Depends on exploitative labor of people under three feet tall.
3.) Could be the cause of the Polar ice caps melting.
4.) Flies without a license and at his own leisure.....while the rest of us get frisked and go through metal detectors before flying. Could the north pole be harboring terrorists?

Anyway.....Its the holiday I created an artwork of Mr. Santa Claus getting arrested for all of his transgressions. I started out with a pencil drawing (regular #2 pencil. Then I added a layer of marker. I followed the layer of marker with a layer of color pencil. After the color pencil, I added oil paint and liquin. Finally, I scanned the image and did touch ups in Paint Shop Pro 9.

Friday, December 18, 2009

MASTER- Drawing the Female Nose (Step by Step instruction)

Today YOU are going to draw the female nose. Never drawn before? Thats OK. I will try to make it easy for you! ....Here we go. ......Drawing is much easier when we break things down in to shapes. So lets do that with the female nose. Notice that there are two trapezoids and an oval. These are our primary shapes with the nose..... Draw them on your paper now; and don't forget to put in the nostrils.......... Next, I will show you how to shade the nose. Don't worry, its going to be easy! You have two options to learn shading. Option one- click the link in the video description to go to a webpage that I made for this video..... This webpage has eight easy steps and text to help you. Option two is to watch the second part of this video, where I will guide you through the shading process. I think that you should take advantage of both options to learn how to shade the nose!
In comparison to the Male nose (left) the female nose is:
1.) less pronounced or smaller than the male nose
2.) has a more narrow bridge
3.) has smaller nostrils
4.) slightly rounder at the bottom (this is not the case for EVERY person though)
5.) had less shadow area around the "eye socket" or orbit, on both sides of the bridge at the top of the nose.
STEP 1- In step one of drawing the female nose, focus your attention on the shapes. There are three main shapes. 1.) An oval at the bottom, 2.) A tall trapezoid for the bridge of the nose. 3.) An upside down trapezoid at the top of the nose. 4.) In addition to the major shapes, don't forget to add the shapes for the nostrils. STEP 2- For step two, simply darken the nostrils. The nostrils will be the darkest tone on any persons nose. STEP 3- For this step, create a shadow at the bottom of the nose. STEP 4- Erase the lines on the sides of the bridge of the nose. (This is where most people go wrong in drawing the nose!) The only part of the nose that can be expressed in linear form is the bottom of the nose (Below and to the sides of the nostrils...especially the sides). STEP 5- Replace the solid lines with soft "cross hatching" (a fancy term for shading- "hatches" are multiple lines, created by the tip of the pencil used to create darker the video at the top if you do not understand). STEP 6- Smudge the cross hatching with a tortillion (blending stump or stub).....Not only on the bridge of the nose, but also where you feel in necessary. I usually do a few layers of hatching, followed by smudging. STEP 7- I am putting on the finishing touches. I used my eraser to make highlights on the nose. IMPORTANT: The female nose (right) is smoothed out/ polished / finished, more than the male nose........ How does an artist smooth out/polish/finish the nose?....By 1.) hatching with the pencil 2.) smudging the hatches with the tortillion and 3.) using the eraser to create highlights. (This is demonstrated in the video at the top of the page). STEP 8- In the final step I darkened the nostrils (For the second time).

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

MASTER: Drawing the Male Nose (How to Draw the Nose Step by Step- Nostrils, Bridge, Orbit)

Thank you for picking my nose video....UMMM....Yeah lets start over....Today I am going to teach you how to draw the male nose. Drawing is much easier when we break things down in to shapes. So lets do that with the nose. Notice that there are two trapezoids and an oval. These are our primary shapes with the nose. So grab a piece of paper and draw them now. Don't forget to put in the nostrils.

Now, I will show you how to shade the nose. Don't worry, its going to be easy this time! You have two options to learn shading. Option one- click the link in the video description to go to a webpage that I made for this video..... this page has eight super easy steps and still images from this video. Option two is to keep watching this video. I think that you should do both!

STEP 1- In step one of drawing the male nose, focus your attention on the shapes. There are three main shapes. 1.) An oval at the bottom, 2.) A tall trapezoid for the bridge of the nose. 3.) An upside down trapezoid at the top of the nose. 4.) Don't forget to add the shapes for the nostrils.
STEP 2- For step two, simply erase the lines on the inside of the nose. It doesn't look good yet......So let's do a "nose job" with the shading, to make it look more realistic!
STEP 3- For this step, darken the nostrils. Te nostrils will be the darkest tone on any persons nose.
STEP 4- *****Notice that I ERASED the lines on the sides of the bridge of the nose!******* This is where most people go wrong in drawing the nose! The only part of the nose that can be expressed as a line is the bottom (Below and to the sides of the nostrils...especially the sides).
STEP 5- While I am not drawing eyes for this part, at the top of the bridge of the nose is the inner part of the orbit (of the eye). The orbits are also known as the eye sockets. They are the indentations where each eye sits. There is an orbit on either side of the nose. The tool that I am using in this picture is called a tortillion (also known as a blending stump or stub). It is condensed paper, shaped to the form of a pencil. It is used for blending. It is better to smudge or blend with this, rather than your hand, because your hand has oil that will be absorbed by the paper. Once the oil is absorbed in to the paper, the blending will be uneven, and over time, the paper will decay.
STEP 6- Notice the long trapezoid that I shaded in the middle of the nose. It is shaded very lightly. I put it is to differentiate the drawing from the white background. Please note that this will NOT always appear. All shadows are DIRECTLY RELATED to lighting. For this drawing, I assumed that the light was bright and directly above the nose.
STEP 7- I am putting on the finishing touches. I used my eraser to make two light highlights on the sides of each nostril. Often light bounces off surfaces and causes a "glare" effect rather than a "spotlight" effect. I also darkened the shadow below the nose.
STEP 8- In the final step I darkened the nostrils.